Ivory |
Gender: Female
Age: Adult
Foster Home:
Update: Ivory was adopted in 2004. We received the following update in November of that year: "We had a wonderful Thanksgiving (when we finally arrived, but that is another story). Ivory is right below my feet as I type. If you are ever looking for Ivory, just look for me. She is my baby. And I do mean baby.
Anyhow, we went to Northern Alabama to visit family for Thanksgiving. Of course, this presented us with a dilemma....who would be available to care for Ivory, since she is not used to being alone for more than a couple of hours? So, I convinced my husband that I simply could not travel without Ivory. If Ivory couldn't go, then I wasn't going. Period. My vet advised giving her half of a Dramamine to help combat car sickness. Needless to say, Ivory was loaded into the SUV and away we went. A little peanut butter and a small suitcase later and she was ready to travel. She has her own "Going to Grandma's" pilot case, just like the boys do. Only hers is pink naturally. I have to take her food, treats, toys, bowls and fashion accessories. She has about 30 bandanas for all occasions. And we discovered that for her, tug toys and plushies with squeakers are tops.
Needless to say, my family loved her. My aunt wanted to take her home. My cousin, who we stayed with in Alabama, has a 4 year old male Great Dane named Zeus and a 14 week old female Great Dane named Tundra. Ivory did really well and within an hour, there wasn't room on the couches for anyone. The three of them were all laying up relaxing. We had a wonderful time and now my husband has resigned to the fact that she will be coming on all our trips from here on out. And he doesn't mind at all!
Ivory has fast become my best friend. She finally has gotten used to the fact that I cannot be dragged down the block. The harness has done wonders. So, she is more of a delight to take on walks now. She is just so willing to please if you give her all the right tools. We get stopped everywhere and asked about her. They want to know what kind of dog she is and can they pet her. I take her with me almost everywhere. We go to my Gram's house, my brother's house and everywhere I can get away with it. We even took her downtown Chicago to Grant Park with us for Taste of Chicago! She had a blast! We didn't see but one other dog, but she loved the attention she got and I must admit, against my better judgment, she did get to have a small piece of Sweet Baby Ray's boneless rib sandwich. I took treats for her as well.
She is not just a pet to us, but part of the family. She is such a great friend and I love her very much. She has made a difference in my life. And thank goodness that there are people out there taking care of these animals and giving them an opportunity at a second chance.