Gender: Male
Age: Adult
Foster Home:
Update: Diamond was adopted in February, 2004.

Just thought I'd drop you a note to let you know how the first night and first day went with Lady and Diamond. Last night they had a few problems with territory and they still are working them out, but in a nicer manner now. The basement is the neutral ground for them and they get along great down there. Lady is trying to teach him how to play with the big ball. He is starting to get the hang of it. He prefers to heard the ball while lady moves it around. He's learned a new command already and that is "up-up" for coming up the stairs. He and lady went for a walk at the park and walked very well together side by side and no problems at all. He is a very sweet boy with good manners for his age and that has to do with you and your wonderful training that you did with him. Thank you. I will give you another up date after he's been here for at least a week so his true colors come out cause I'm sure he's playing low right now. 0204
02/22/2007 Here is a picture of Diamond (AVID # 064-516-548)who my family adopted 2/15/04. It was a rough few years trying to get Diamond to trust, but he has been doing great now that he knows he has a home for good now. He is great at frisbee and is picking up on agility pretty good. He is such a lover and loves to hug and snuggle. He gets along with my female border collie (lady who is 6 yrs old) I was so thankful that the lady who was caring for him drove from Indiana to Michigan so we could adopt him. He has brought great joy to our family. THANKS BCR!!!