Colby |
Gender: Male
Age: Adult
Foster Home: Peggy
Update: Colby was adopted in January, 2004.

Update 1-25-2004: We have been very happy with Colby. After a very rocky start due to excitement and new food resulting in numerous accidents (always on the carpeting- not the easily cleaned floor!) we have settled in nicely. Colby is really excited about chasing a tennis ball, sticks, water balloons (although he seems to have trouble bringing them back unbroken- much to the kids delight!), cats (although we refuse to throw Zeus to Colby), and anything else we hold in our hands. He loves his creature comforts much more than any other dog we have had. Colby jumps up onto the bed as soon as my husband, Jonathan, gets out of bed in the morning- to take advantage of the nice warm spot just vacated! Everything outside is exciting. He just discovered the frogs, which sit on the edge of the top of our waterfall and jump as he approaches. Luckily for the frogs, he has thus far failed to catch any! Here is a photo of Colby waiting for one of us to throw a ball to him. Thanks for finding us a great match!