Brody |
Gender: Male
Age: 7 Years
Foster Home:
Update: Brody was adopted in April, 2004 and spent three wonderful years with his forever family. Brody crossed the Bridge in 2007 and is deeply missed. Read Brody's story below.
Foster Journal:Brody lived much of his previous life with one owner. He was a wonderful companion to her, and she loved him very much. But when her life began to change, she couldn’t keep Brody with her at home. She kept him in doggie daycare for as long as she could, but finally she had to give him up, and so she asked GLBCR to help find him another home.
Brody was used to being an only dog, and in his foster home, he had a little difficulty at first getting used to sharing food and toys with the other dogs who lived there. But his foster mom was patient and firm with him, and taught him a great deal about getting along with other dogs, and kitties, and her toddler son. Brody needed to learn to wait his turn for meals, and not to get so excited that he would jump around and knock the little boy down in his enthusiasm for play. His foster mom also taught him lots of fun tricks, and Brody came to love showing off his tricks for treats.
But eventually Brody had learned all he could from his foster mom, and it was time for him to move to another foster home, where he could begin to meet families who might be able to give him a forever home.
Brody is a great companion; he enjoys people much more than other dogs. He isn’t interested in running and playing with our dogs when he’s outside with them, no matter how many invitingly they bow and feint to him. Instead, when he’s outside Brody regularly checks the fence line, to make sure no intruders have sneaked in, and then he barks in all the corners of the yard, to warn off any coyotes or other varmints who might be considering trying to sneak in, to warn them to just forget it—Brody’s here and he’s not about to let any stray critters in. Once he’s finished patrolling the yard, he’s ready to come back inside, and he sticks close to me as I do my daily chores around the house. When I sit down to work at my computer, he curls up under my desk for as long a snooze as he can fit in.
Stray people are another matter, though—Brody loves visitors, and he welcomes them warmly with a swishing tail. But he saves his warmest welcomes for his foster family. Brody gets so excited when my husband or I come home that he stands right up on his hind feet and jumps up and down—it’s a very enthusiastic greeting!
Brody’s age was estimated to be about 7 years old when he came into our rescue, but we’ve come think, from his playful nature and plentiful energy, that he may be younger. His cross is probably with some variety of mountain dog: he has the patient good nature and prominent rear dew claws of a Great Pyrenees, but his build is much smaller and he’s not quite as aloof as that breed is known to be.
Brody is ready for a home and a person of his own. He will need walks every day, because he has lots of energy that doesn’t get expended in play. He walks well on a lead, and on a long line at the park, he’s happy to amble along, watching and sniffing the interesting sights and smells. He will be a loyal lifelong companion and protector for the lucky person who takes Brody into their home and heart. Notes from Brody's Forever Home: 01/17/05 In December, Brody had surgery for removal of the anal sacs and we were thinking positive that his lab work would come back normal. No such luck, it came back malignant. I have taken him to the University of Wisconsin small animal clinic. He has Anal sac adenocarcinoma of the apocrine gland of the anal sac For this they recommend surgery (which he had) followed by radiation and chemotherapy. He will be in the hospital for 5 days, then weekend off (I can take him home or to local hotel for a break). This treatment goes for three weeks followed by 2 more chemo treatments. It's beastly expensive $8,000. but they have had really good success. Median survival time in dogs treated at UW is 2-3 years. Brody has been a challenge and a joy and we have totally bonded! The treatment will be rough for him (me too). We are going to start on January 24th. We do hope he has a few good years ahead of him.
01/22/05 Brody and I leave Monday a.m. for Madison and he starts radiation on Monday. His oncologist has tried to prepare me for some of the side effects of the radiation. It will be a rough go, but the results should be an extended quality life for Brody. At first, I thought I could drive him back & forth each day. The Dr. assured me that is not possible, so Brody will remain there for his treatments. He will have radiation everyday for 5 days, then have the week end off for 3 straight weeks. He will have to be anesthetized each day. Since I live about 2 & 1/2 hours drive from the hospital, I will be on call to go right away if I'm needed. I will visit mid week and then plan to stay week-ends at a local hotel that accepts pets so Brody can be with me for his two days off. Everyone at the Vet clinic seems very kind & compassionate and they have quite a cutting edge in animal medicine going on there.
Brody and I both need all the prayers we can get. I'm sacred but very optimistic that this will work. I will try to send you a photo of Brody in his new red coat. A new friend made it when she heard Brody had his coat shaved & was going to be undergoing treatment.
02/06/05 Just a fast update on Brody. He has just finished his second week of radiation. He stays at the Vet Hospital from Monday am thru Friday noon when I pick him up and bring him home. The first weekend was great as the side effects had not really taken hold. This weekend has been tough for him. However, he goes back tomorrow for his last week of radiation. The Vet Hospital is absolutely fantastic. Everyone is caring and kind and Brody has made many friends. He is even allowed to walk around the ward at will (I think because he's so big) in the afternoons. Last week he stole the treats out of the technicians lab coat pocket. Please keep some prayers coming for him.
05/01/05 Brody is doing so much better everyday. Jan, Feb. & March were just awful!! Radiation therapy is not for the faint of heart. Brody had all the side effects-but overcame all. He was a favorite at the hospital, as he was there for six weeks. His hair has not come back yet at the site but it will. He goes back the end of May for blood work & ultrasound etc. and we will know if it's working. He is once again playing and chasing squirrels and guarding the property and sleeping thru the nite. I am truly thankful for everyday I have him!
7-13-07 Please let GL volunteers know Brody finally succumbed to the disease & has passed.