Maggie is mostly retired, although she still does some CPE agility and C-WAGS obedience. Jay is my agility dog - many of you know him. He's the cute red BC that tries to get in your lap whether you have a lap or not. He loves coming to GLBCR functions, and people often tell me that they want a BC like him - so I tell them that he was once less than 24 hours away from being killed for being a vicious dog. He's come a really long way - he's the sweetest BC in the world, He was just about a year old when I got him. It took a little while, but he did learn that people are trustworthy, and even fun. Now he loves everyone.

Kate and Maggie
I've been involved in dog training basically, my whole life. I started in obedience competition and have done agility, flyball, and tried herding as well. Right now I do mostly agility and obedience. My partner Kim does tracking with Sallie, Jay, and Pip, and thanks to her Jay has his VCD2 (an AKC title that requires obedience, agility, and tracking titles). I trained as a veterinarian, and went on to become a veterinary pathologist, which is what I do now. So, I haven't been in practice for many years, but I still work as a pathologist at U of M.